Best Papers

All time frames for the age limit to be taken as on ‘last day of the conference year’ i.e. for 2017 Conference the age limit to be reckoned from 31.12.2017.

All applicants should personally be present at the AROI annual conference where the fellowships are awarded. The fellowships will not be awarded in absent (The radiotherapy -RTT are exempted for this criterion).

Candidates will not be eligible for another AROI fellowship for minimum of ten years after anyone fellowships has been awarded.

Duration of fellowship:

The duration is generally for 3-4 weeks, not to be combined with other fellowships and the candidate should return to India after the fellowship is concluded. The place may preferably be selected in USA or Europe. It is mandatory that the fellowship should complete before the next AROI annual conference for ‘fellowship’ of that year.

General Eligibility Criteria:
  • Life member of AROI.
  • MD, DNB (radiotherapy) or equivalent degree.
  • Full time practicing in Radiation Oncology.
  • Preference given to candidates who were attending the AROI conference regularly.
  • Candidates will not be eligible for another AROI fellowship for 10 year after any one fellowship has been awarded.


How to apply:
  • Applications will be invited along with other fellowships, by the Secretary General prior to the annual conference of AROI.
  • The applicant should submit a letter from his/her, Head of the Institution / Head of the Department accepting to relieve the candidate, if selected for fellowship.
Selection procedure:
  • Selection will be done through a selection committee appointed by the President and Secretary General of AROI. The committee will generally comprise of President, Secretary General, Past Presidents & Secretaries and any senior member of AROI (minimum five members).
  • The committee will scrutinize the applications and if necessary will hold interviews on shortlisted candidates during the annual conference of AROI.


How to proceed for Fellowships:
  • The successful candidate shall submit a letter of acceptance from the host institution with in 60 days from the award of fellowship. The amount will be relieved by Secretary General upon the receipt of this letter.
  • The amount will be paid to the successful candidate by the Secretary General of AROI. A maximum of 80% of amount will be paid prior to departure and remaining after successful completion of fellowship.
  • The candidate must submit a letter from host institution mentioning successful completion of fellowship. He/she should also submit statement of expenditure during the fellowship. Only the actual expenditure will be paid to the maximum of fellowship amount.
  • Awardees need to submit a report to AROI secretariat
  • The office of AROI will send a copy of the report of fellowship to the sponsor. The report will be published in AROI newsletter.
  • For any reason, if the fellowship could not be initiated before the next AROI annual conference, the fellowship will be cancelled and the candidate will not be eligible for this for next two year and will return the amount paid to him/her.
  • For any dispute or discrepancies, the decision of ‘President AROI’ will be final and binding.

1) Best Proffered Paper for senior Members

  • More than 40 year
  • 10 years experience after post graduate degree in Radiation Oncology.


2) Best Proffered Paper for senior Members

  • Less than 40 years
  • 5 years experience after post graduate degree in Radiation Oncology.


3) Dr K T Bhowmik Young Doctor Award
For post MD/DNB up to 40 year of age Candidate will receive silver plaque and 1 month fellowship in India. (Fellowship amount is Rs. 20000 or actual amount of expenditure whichever comes less after completion of fellowship.)

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Life Member of AROI for a minimum of 3 years.
  • Age less than 40 yrs.
  • Applicant should present unpublished work during AROI conference.


4) Best Papers for MD/DNB students:

  • Dr. M S Gujral Gold medal (Medal & Rs. 15000)
  • Dr. M C Pant Gold Medal (Medal & Rs. 7500)

Eligibility Criteria : Age Less than 30 years & Students of MD/DNB degree.

5) Best Paper AWARDED FOR Medical Physicist/Radiation Oncologist with Physics base paper. (Medal & Rs. 7500)

Eligibility Criteria :

  • Applicant should present unpublished work during AROI conference.
  • Age Less than 40 years for medical physicist and radiation Oncologist <35 years with physics work & full time working in Radiation Oncology respectively.

Best paper award application should be sent along with full paper & abstract (Hardcopy by post & Soft copy by email).

Authorization letter for publication in JCRT should be sent along with the paper (if JCRT will not responding for publication within 6 month than candidate free to publish anywhere).

NOTE: All the application for fellowship/ best paper awards with recommendation from head of department/ Institute with no objection certificate (if selected to go for fellowship) should reach to the office of secretary general by 5 PM, August 31st of that year.