The Association of Radiation Oncologists of India – Registered at Nagpur under Societies Registration Act XX1 of 1860.
The vision of few dozen Radiation Oncologists of India gave birth to the idea of forming the Association of Radiation Oncologists of India, mainly to provide a common forum to the Radiation Oncologists of India to meet and to share experience and research observations in the field of Radiation Oncology.
The name of the Association is “The Association of Radiation Oncologists of India”.
The Registered office of the Association shall be situated at Ludhiana, Punjab for the present.
The Headquarters of the Association shall be at the city of residence of the Secretary General.
Aims and Objectives.
To encourage and advance the knowledge, study and practice of the science of radiation oncology in all way.
To encourage research including experimental work, in the science of radiation oncology.
To organize, establish, conduct, superintendent or control institutions for promoting, whether directly or indirectly, the study of and research in problems relating to radiation oncology.
To hold and organize conferences, exhibitions, study circles, continuing medical education programs or conventions for the study and discussion of problems relating to and allied with the science of radiation oncology.
To make pecuniary grants by way of scholarships, donations, subscriptions, allowances, gratuities, guarantees or otherwise to and for the benefit of deserving students, scholars and other persons who are worthy of receiving such grants by reasons of their skill and proficiency in the science of practice of the science of radiation oncology.
To provide instructions and education to deserving persons in the science of radiation oncology.
To award prizes, medals or other certificates or diploma of proficiency in the science of radiation oncology to persons found deserving after such tests, examination or other forms of scrutiny as may be prescribed from time to time.
To make rules prescribing standards of professional conduct for members of the Association.
To establish and maintain libraries and reading rooms.
To print, publish, distribute or sell books, pamphlets, periodicals newspapers or magazines or any other literature in print or electronic media on any matter concerning or relating to the science or practice of radiation oncology or the life or work of eminent persons in the field of radiation oncology, geauxmaids.com.
To suggest, study, offer opinion and advice on, or take part in the framing of laws affecting the science of radiation oncology, medical education, health policies and health care activities.
To promote esprit-de-corps among persons studying of practicing the science of radiation oncology and good feelings between them and members of the general public or public authorities.
To co-operate with other associations or individuals tp promote the objectives of the Association.
To construct, provide, regulate and maintain buildings, rooms or other structures for the purposes of the Association and to alter, add or remove any of them.
To receive any gift or legacy of moveable or immovable assets with or without conditions for promoting the objectives of the Association.
To acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise any property rights or privileges for the purposes of the Association.
To act as trustees, or agents or managers of property endowed by any person for objectives similar to those of the Association.
To act as trustees, agents or managers of property endowed by any person for objectives similar to those of the Association.
To encourage formation of chapters/branches at regional and state level and to appoint agents and correspondents whether in India or abroad for promoting all or any of the objectives of the Association.
To draw, make, accept, endorse, execute, negotiate, purchase, lend money upon, discount, hold and dispose of cheques, promissory notes, bills of exchange, drafts, and other instruments and to cancel or change such instruments as per statutes of the Government.
To lay out, advance, invest, and deal with the Association’s funds for suc
To engage such officials, helpers or other persons as may be found necessary or useful for the conduct and management of the affairs of the Association, check actionac.net.
To make bye-laws, rules and regulations of the Association and to delete, change, or add to the same as required by the Association from time to time.
To do all such other acts as may be necessary, incidental, conducive, or convenient to the attainment of the above objectives or any of them.
It is hereby declared that none of the objectives or powers enumerated above shall be deemed subsidiary or auxiliary to the objectives mentioned in any one or more of them.
Unless otherwise in the succeeding paragraphs:
- Association means The Association of Radiation Oncologists of India.
- HQ means the “Head Quarters” of the Association of New Delhi.
- Journal means Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics.
- AROICON means the Annual Conference of the Association of Radiation Oncologists of India.
- Ex-Officio Members shall mean such members as specified under Clause
- Executive Committee means the Executive Committee of the Association of Radiation Oncologists of India.
- Co-opted members mean such members as specified under Clause
- ICRO means “Indian College of Radiation Oncology”.
- YROF means “Young Radiation Oncology Forum”.
- Organizing Secretary means the “Organizing Secretary of the Annual Conference of the Association of Radiation Oncologists of India”.
- AGM means the “Annual General Body Meeting” of the Association of Radiation Oncologists of India
- Life Members
- Life Members Student
- Associate Member
- Trade Member
President-Elect: To contest for the post of President Elect, the candidate should be a Life Member of AROI continuously for a period of at least 20 years and should have completed at least one full term as a member of the Executive Committee of AROI.
Vice President Senior: To contest for the post of Senior Vice President, the candidate shall be a Life Member of AROI continuously for a period of at least 20 years and should have completed at least one full term as a member of the Executive Committee of AROI
Vice President Junior: To contest for the post of Vice President Junior, the candidate shall be a Life Member of AROI continuously for a period of at least 15 years and should have completed at least one full term as a member of the Executive Committee of AROI
Secretary General: To contest for the post of Secretary General, the candidate shall be a Life Member of AROI continuously for a period of at least 15 years and should have completed at least one full term as a member of the Executive Committee of AROI
Editor-in-Chief of Journal: To contest for the post of Editor-in-Chief of Journal, the candidate shall be a Life Member of AROI continuously for a period of at least 20 years and should have served in the editorial board of the of the Association, Newsletter or Journal of Any State/Regional Chapter of AROI.
For ICRO Chairman 20 year AROI membership and 15 years for ICRO members.
For ICRO Vice Chairman 15 years for AROI and 10 years for ICRO members
For ICRO Secretary 15 years for AROI and 10 years for ICRO members
All the Elected Executive Committee Members should be ordinarily residing in India during the tenure of their office.
No member shall be eligible to seek election consecutively or otherwise for the post of President Elect and Vice President and more than two tenures of two years each for the post of Secretary General and more than two tenures of four years each for the post of Editor-in-Chief. No member shall remain an Executive Committee member for total of more than 12 years.
Persons holding the post of President/ President-Elect shall not seek election to any post of the Executive Committee in the future.
A member shall not contest simultaneously for more than one post i.e. President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary-General, and Editor-in-Chief. Also, a member shall not contest any post of ICRO simultaneously.
The President-Elect shall automatically become President at the Inauguration of the Next AROICON.
Elections for the post of President Elect, Vice President Senior & Vice President Junior shall be held every two year.
Elections for the post of Secretary General & Editor-in-Chief of Journal shall be held every four years.
Elections for the post of ICRO Chairman, ICRO Vice Chairman & ICRO Secretary shall be held every two years.
Voting shall be carried out electronically. The vendor whose software will be used shall be selected by a committee consisting of the President, President Elect and Secretary General.
The Annual General Body Meeting shall nominate/elect on the floor of the house during the Annual General Body Meeting a Chief Election Commissioner who shall be entrusted with the task of carrying out the elections.
The Chief Election Commissioner shall nominate two Election Commissioners from the same city who shall assist the Chief Election Commissioner. These three members i.e. the Chief Election Commissioner and two Election Commissioners shall be the Election Commission.
All election related matters and issues shall be decided by the Election Commission and the decision of the Election Commission shall be final and binding on all members.
The Secretary General will in the month of July (latest by 15th July), inform the Chief Election Commissioner of the vacant posts in the Executive Committee of AROI and ICRO, The Secretary General shall provide the complete voter's list of AROI and ICRO to the Chief Election Commissioner. The Secretary General shall also clearly indicate the various serial numbers for the cut-off for eligibility for various posts.
The Election Commission shall put out the notification of the Elections including the nomination form on the AROI Website latest by July 31', indicating the Election Program.
The nomination paper shall set out the candidate's name and address, LM Number/ICRO Number and the office for which the candidate is nominated and shall be duly proposed by one valid Life Member of AROI (valid ICRO Member for ICRO Post), seconded by another valid Life Member of AROI (valid ICRO Member for ICRO Post), and duly signed by the candidate signifying his/her willingness to stand for election, serve in the Executive Committee and abide by the decisions of the Election Commission. Each nomination form shall be accompanied by the requisite Election fees as decided by the Executive Committee and Election Commission.
Nomination papers shall also be accompanied by a bio-data of the candidate which shall be uploaded to the website.
All nominations received shall be uploaded to the website as per program, as shall withdrawals and the final list of candidates for the elections, as per program prescribed and notified.
In the event of an election being necessary, voting lines shall be open for at least 10 days and not more than 15 days, as per notification.
All nominations received shall be uploaded to the website as per program, as shall withdrawals and the final list of candidates for the elections, as per program prescribed and notified.
On completion of voting the Chief Election Commission shall arrange to do the counting electronically and communicate the results to Secretary General, who shall declare the results as received from the Chief Election Commissioner at least clear 7 days before the Annual General Body Meeting of the Association.
New Office Bearers shall take office from the Inauguration of the Annual Conference of the Association.
Unfilled posts shall be filled up by the General Body and will be conducted by the President, President Elect and Secretary General. Nominations for the unfilled posts shall be invited from the floor and will be decided by the General Body. In the event of an election, voting shall take place on the floor of the house.
All co-opted members and ex-officio members will be announced by Secretary General in the Annual General Body meeting.
All the Secretaries of the State/Regional Chapters shall be announced by the Secretary General in the Annual General Body.
Nomination of Joint Secretary (President Nominee- term one year) and Joint Secretary (Secretary General Nominee- term two years) shall be made in the Annual General Body Meeting by the President and Secretary-General respectively.
Nomination of the Treasurer shall be done in the Annual General Body Meeting by the Secretary General.
- President
- President Elect
- Chairman ICRO
- Vice-President Senior
- Vice – President Junior
- Vice – Chairman ICRO
- Secretary General
- Secretary – ICRO
- Editor-in-Chief AROI Journal
- Joint Secretary- President Nominee
- Joint Secretary – Secretary General Nominee
- Chief Guest at Center
- Guest of Honor- to right of Chief Guest
- President at the left of Chief Guest
- President Elect to right of Guest of Honor
- Chairman ICRO to left of President
- Chairman Organizing Committee to right of President Elect
- Secretary General to left of Chairman ICRO
- Editor-in-Chief to left of Secretary General
- Organizing Secretary to right of Chairman Organizing Committee
- Admission Fee raised to Rs 500
- Life Membership fee to be raised to Rs 2000/-
- Students may be enrolled as “Provisional Life Members” after a payment of Rs 2500 (Rs 2000 fee + Rs 500 admission fee) but without voting right. Once they obtain the Post-Graduate degree they will be considered for “Life Member”.
- Overseas members existing fee US$ 300/-.
- For SAARC countries. SAARC countries members may obtain membership at the same rates as their Indian counterparts by paying the fee in Indian
- Chairman and organising Secretary of Conference
- Chairman and Secretary of ICRO
- President and Secretary-General AROI
- Editor of Journal JCRT
- Members of ICRO
- Other members as desired by the host
- AROI members who have completed 5 yrs as life member, he/she is eligible as ICRO member, instead of 10yrs.
- AROI members applying for fellowships above 35 yrs should be ICRO members first.
- Suggested to increasing the no of issues of the Journal from 4 to 6.Rs 1.5 lakhs has to be paid per issues and for 6 nos of issues total 9 lakhs has to be paid for the journal. The house agreed for the same.
- Clinical oriented session in AMPICON and Physics oriented session in AROICON.
- Conference Organisers will sponsor AMPI President and Secretary.
- President AMPI suggested that dates of Conferences should be fixed after consultation between two organisations.
- Clinical affairs and quality control sub-committee — chair & vice chair.
- Educational sub-committee — chair & vice chair.
- Relations council — chair & vice chair.
- Financial committee — chair & vice chair.
- International relations for ASTRO, ESTRO, FARO — chair & vice chair.
- a) Clinical affairs and quality control sub-committee chairman and vice chair.
- b) Educational subcommittee - chairman and vice chair.
- c) Government relations council - chairman and vice chair.
- d) Scientific council - chairman and vice chair.
- e) Financial committee - chairman and vice chair.
- f) International relations for ASTRO, for ESTRO, for FARO.
2.2.1 LIFE MEMBERS : Life Member shall be one who possesses a post-graduate degree such as MD/DNB Radiotherapy or equivalent or MSc Medical Physics or BSc Physics with DRP from an University or Institution recognized by the Medical Council of India and/or approved by the Executive Committee, and who has paid the requisite fees including admission fees and is duly accepted by the Association as a life member.
2.2.2 LIFE MEMBER (STUDENT) : All postgraduate students pursuing MD/DNB Radiotherapy from recognized university/institution are eligible to become Life Member (Student); however they shall have voting rights only on completion of their postgraduate degree. They will pay the full membership as well as admission fees.
2.2.3 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS : Post-Graduate degree/diploma holders of subjects like radiobiology, radiation medicine, radiation protection as accepted by the Association. They will pay the requisite fees including admission fees.
2.2.4 TRADE MEMBER : Members with at least 3 years standing in trade as accepted by the Association. They will also pay requisite membership fees as well as admission fees.
2.3.1 The membership application shall be in a form approved by the Executive Committee and shall require to be duly proposed and seconded by exiting valid life members. The application shall be accompanied by documentary evidence of eligibility, qualification and prescribed fees along with admission fees.
2.3.2 The Executive Committee will be the final authority for acceptance of membership of the applicant. The executive Committee will accept resignation of members and shall also decide the cessation of membership for any reason.
Will be decided by the General Body.
A member wishing to resign his/her membership shall communicate the same to the Secretary General in writing. Life membership and admission fees shall not be refunded and the name of such member shall be removed from the Membership Register.
The Executive Committee by a three- fourth (3/4) majority of members present in the meeting may remove the name of any member from the Membership Register for gross misconduct after sending him/her a notice by registered post and giving him/her a proper opportunity to defend himself/herself including a hearing in person. Such action of the Executive Committee shall be subject to ratification by 2/3rd members present at the General Body Meeting of the Association.
2.7.1 Subject to the provisions of these rules and bye-laws, all Life-Members, Associate Members and Life Member (Student) shall be entilted to participate in all activities of the Association.
2.7.2 Only Life Member shall have the right to vote.
2.7.3 All Life member shall have the privilege of registration for the Annual Conference at a concessional rate, membership of ICRO if eligible as per procedure, orations, awards, and official assignments from the Association.
Shall consist of the following members:
3.1.1 President
3.1.2 President Elect
3.1.3 Vice President Senior
3.1.4 Vice President Junior
3.1.5 Secretary General
3.1.6 Editor-in Chief of Journal
3.1.7 Joint Secretary (President Nominee)
3.1.8 Joint Secretary (Secretary General Nominee)
3.1.9 Treasurer
3.1.10 Secretary of State/Regional Chapters
3.1.11 Ex-Officio Members Immediate Past President Immediate Past Secretary General Immediate Past Treasurer
3.1.12 Co-opted Members Chairman ICRO Secretary ICRO Chief Election Commissioner Organizing Secretary AROICON Immediate Past Organizing Secretary AROICON Nominated Member from Head Quarter
a) Tenure of President is one term.
b) Tenure of President Elect is one term. On completion of tenure of one year as President Elect, he/she automatically assumes the post of President.
c) Secretary General has a tenure of two terms.
d) Editor-in-Chief Journal has a tenure of two terms.
e) Tenure of Vice-President Senior and Junior is for one term.
f) Joint Secretary (President Nominee) shall be nominated by the President, with a tenure of one term.
g) Joint Secretary (Secretary General Nominee) shall be nominated by Secretary General with a tenure of two terms.
h) Treasurer shall be nominated by the Secretary General and shall be from the same city as Secretary General.
i) Tenure of ICRO Chairman, Vice Chairman and ICRO Secretary is one term
Editor | Sec. Gen | Chain ICRO | President | Chief Guest | Guest of Honor | President Elect | Chair Org Comm | Org Secr
5.1.1 The President shall preside over all the meetings of the General Body. If the President is not present, then the President Elect shall preside. In the absence of the President Elect, the order of precedence shall be followed, and the senior-most functionary in the order of precedence shall preside.
5.1.2 The quorum shall be two hundred members. If the quorum is incomplete, then the house be adjourned and reassemble after 15 minutes, and the meeting shall be held with the members present.
5.1.3 ANNUAL GENERAL BODY MEETING: The Annual General Body of the Association shall be held each year on the second day Saturday) of the Annual Conference of the Association, at 1800 hrs at a place fixed by the Executive Committee. The notice and agenda of the Annual Conference shall be notified in the website at least 30 days in advance of the date fixed for the meeting. The notice for Annual General Body Meeting shall be issued by the Secretary General.
5.1.4 The Secretary General shall present the minutes of the previous General Body Meeting following which the Action taken Report shall be presented.
5.1.5 The minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting shall be presented to the General Body and discussion on the minutes of the Executive Committee shall be discussed.
5.1.6 The audited statement of accounts of the Association, ICRO and Journal shall be presented to the General Body and ratified.
5.1.7 The budgets of the Association , ICRO and Journal shall be presented and ratified.
5.1.8 Appointment of Auditors and Legal Consultant presented to the General Body for ratification.
5.1.9 Acceptance of Membership to the Association for the newly enrolled members in the past year.
5.1.10 Declaration of Results of the Elections by the Chief Election Commissioner.
5.1.11 Nomination of Treasurer, Joint Secretary (President Nominee) and Joint Secretary (Secretary General Nominee).
5.1.12 Nomination of new Chief Election Commissioner for next year and announcement of the two other Election Commissioners.
5.1.13 Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
5.1.14 The General Body on completion of Agenda shall be dissolved.
5.2.1 First General Body Meeting: On completion of the Annual General Body Meeting, the First General Body Meeting shall be convened with the new President (Previously President elect) in the Chair.
5.2.2 The minutes of the Annual Body Meeting will be confirmed by the General Body.
5.2.3 Bids for the Conference two years hence already from the State Chapter/ Regional Chapter with the host Institution shall be placed before the house for selection.
5.2.4 Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
5.2.5 Welcome by the next Annual Conference Organizing Committee.
5.2.6 The General Body meeting shall then be dissolved.
5.3.1 The President may, whenever he/she thinks fit upon requisition made in writing and signed by not less than 250 life members of the Association, shall convene a Requisitioned General Body Meeting, at such place he/she decades. The requisition must state clearly the reason for calling the Requisitioned General Body Meeting and the request for a Requisitioned General Body Meeting must be addressed to the President.
6.1 The management of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee, who in addition to the powers by these Rules expressly conferred upon them, may exercise all such powers, and do all such acts and things, as may be exercised or done by the Association, but which are not hereby or law expressly directed or required to be exercised or done by the Association.
6.2 Without prejudice to the general powers hereby conferred, the Executive Committee shall have the following powers.
6.2.1 To acquire for the Association by purchase, lease or otherwise, any property, rights or privileges which are Association is entitled to affairs of the Association and to compound and allow time for they may think fit.
6.2.2 To enter into all such negotiations and contracts or rescind and vary them, and execute and do all such acts, deeds and things, in the name and on behalf of the Association, as they may consider expedient for or pertaining to any of the properties, rights and privileges for the purposes of the Association.
6.2.3 To borrow or secure the payment of any sum of money for the purposes of the Association.
6.2.4 To Institute, conduct, defend, compound or abandon any legal proceedings by or against the Association or otherwise concerning the affairs of the Association and to compound and allow time for payment or satisfaction of any debts due and of any claims or demands by or against the Association.
6.2.5 To refer any claim or demands by or against the Association to arbitration and to observe and implement such awards.
6.2.6 To make and give receipts, release and other discharges for money payable to the Association and for the claims and demands of the Association.
6.2.7 To receive donations and any other sum of money and all and any other material, articles, and things due to or intended for the Association.
6.2.8 To incur all necessary expenses for the maintenance and carrying out the objectives and the intention of these Rules and Memorandum of the Association.
6.2.9 To appoint one or more persons, whether or otherwise to constitute a Board or Committee, wherever and whenever necessary; as well as rescind, remove or dissolve any such member, board or committee.
6.2.10 To make, vary and repeal bye-laws pertaining to the regulation of the business of the Association.
7.1 The property, moveable or immoveable belonging to the Association shall vest in the Executive Committee.
7.2 No sale, exchange, mortage, lease or other transaction of immoveable property belonging to the Association shall be valid unless the President and Secretary General execute the document concerned.
7.3 Accounts and other investments of the Association shall be operated by any two persons out of the following three viz. Trasure, and President or Secretary General.
8.1 President. Shall preside over the General Body, Executive Committee, and all other official meetings and functions of the Association. The President shall guide the activities of the Association and its aims and objectives. The President may allocate all or any of the powers and duties under this or any other clauses of the constitution to any other office-bearer as he/she may deem fit and necessary for the discharge of his/her duties.
8.2 President-Elect. Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees appointed by the Executive Committee. He/she will be the Convener of the Scientific Committee of the Annual Conference.
8.3 Secretary General. Subject to the control and regulation of the Executive Committee, the Secretary General shall be responsible for carrying out the directions and decisions of the Executive Committee. In particular, the Secretary General shall.
8.3.1 Convene meetings of the Executive Committee whenever necessary or called upon to do so.
8.3.2 Have administrative control over all the affairs of the Association.
8.3.3 Prepare the Annual Report of the Association.
8.3.4 Be in-charge of all the assets of the Association.
8.3.5 Collect all dues of the Association and deposit such amounts into the bank account directly or through Treasurer.
8.3.6 Make disbursements and maintain vouchers.
8.3.7 Perform such duties as are incidental to his/her office.
8.3.8 All notices, communications, letters, memoranda and other papers whether they are acts of the Executive Committee or of the General Body shall be signed or authenticated by the Secretary General and when so signed or authenticated shall be conclusive.
8.4 Vice President Senior. He/she shall carry out duties as assigned by the President. Other duties would include being member of the Editorial Board of the Journal and the newsletter. He/she shall be the Master of Ceremonies in all the official meetings/events of the Association.
8.5 Vice President Junior. He/she shall carry out duties as assigned by the President. He/she will be presiding over the Young Radiation Oncology Forum.
8.6 Joint Secretary President Nominee & Secretary General Nominee. Duties as assigned by the President and Secretary General respectively. They will be responsible for maintaining correct and accurate minutes of the General Body meetings and Executive Committee meetings. They will also be responsible for deciding quorum and also ensuring presence of bonafied members in the General Body and Executive Committee meetings.
8.7 Treasurer. Shall maintain true accounts of the funds and other assets of the Association and of funds and other assets connected with or in any way controlled by the Association.
8.8 Editor-in-Chief of Journal. Shall be responsible for publication of the Journal of the Association. He shall constitute an Editorial Board consisting of Editor-in Chief, four Associate Editors, five Assistant Editors, and an Editorial committee of ten members (not more than five foreign members) and a Consulting Editor being the Vice President Senior. The Editorial Board is to be ratified by the Executive Committee. Changes in the Editorial Board would need the approval of the Executive Committee.
9.1 State/Regional Chapters. Any state or region having more than 10 radiation oncologists who are life members if the Association can form a chapter.
9.2 The State/Regional Chapter shall be governed by the Constitution of the Association.
9.3 The State/Regional Chapters may frame their own rules and constitution in accordance with the Constitution of the Association.
9.4 The Secretary of the State/Regional Chapter shall be a member of the Executive Committee.
9.4 Tenure of the office-bearers of the State/Regional Chapters should be corresponding to the tenure as applicable to the Association.
9.5 The State/Regional Chapters are authorized to have their Annual Conference as well as host other events like CME, teaching courses etc.
9.6 Elections must be held every year, corresponding to the National Association Elections. The Election process must be completed by March 31st every year.
9.6 Audited statements of the State/Regional cahpter should be made available to the Secretary General of the Association by October 31st every year.
9.7 1/3 of the profits of the Annual Conference of the State/Regional Chapter or at least Rs30.000/- (Rupees Thirty Thousand only) will be paid by the State/Regional Chapter to the Association.
9.8 The State/Regional Chapter may bring out their own Journal.
9.9 All communication to the Association with respect to events of the Association like hosting of National Conference, National CME, National Teaching Courses etc. shall be routed through the State/Regional Chapters.
9.10 The State/Regional chapters are entitled to charge their own fees for admission and membership. All membership to Association shall be forwarded by the State/Regional Secretary.
10.1 The Indian College of Radiation Oncology is the academic wing of the Association.
10.2 ICRO will have its own constitution and office bearers.
10.3 No financial liability shall lie with the Association with respect to ICRO.
11.1 To promote a sense of ownership in the Association the YROF shall comprise if Life Members of the Association, below the age of 45 years.
11.2 The Vice- President Junior shall be the Governer of the Forum.
11.3 The Forum shall conduct an YROC, a Conference of the Forum. For YROC an Organizing Chairman and an Organizing Secretary shall be selected in the YROC.
11.4 The Vice President Junior, Convener YROF along with the Organizing Chairman YROC and Organizing Secretary YROC shall be the Committee that shall take all decisions on matters pertaining to YROC.
11.5 No separate membership fees shall be collected for membership of the Forum.
11.6 No financial liability shall lie with the Association with respect to YROF.
12.1 Subject to the law in force at the time, the General Body shall have the power to add, vary or repeal any of the provisions contained in the rules. Such additions, variations or repeal can be affected by means of a resolution of which due notice has given as per rule 14.2 (below) and which has been assented to by the vote of at least two-thirds majority of the life-members present at the Annual General Body Meeting.
12.2 A life member desirous of bringing forth an amendment (addition, variation or repeal) shall submit the proposed amendment to the Secretary General in the forth of a resolution, duly proposed by the member desirous of bringing forth the amendment and seconded by at least 10 life members, before June 30th. A copy of the proposed amendment must also be endorsed to the President by the member desirous of bringing forth the amendment. The Secretary General shall collect all proposed amendments and put it up for circulation in the Association website by July 15th.
12.3 Proposed amendments shall be taken up for discussion in the Annual General Body meeting, after being mentioned in the agenda. The member desirous of bringing forth the amendment shall be given time to explain the need for the amendment and after discussion, the resolution containg the proposed amendment shall be put to vote. An amendment would be said to have been passed if the resolution has been assented by the vote of at least two-thirds majority of the life members present in the Annual general body meeting.
12.4 In the event of a proposed amendment to the constitution being rejected on the floor test, the same shall not be brought before the house for a period of at least three years.
Not with standing anything in this Constitution and Rules, the Law of the Land stand supreme. Also, the General Body shall be the ultimate authority in all matters.
(a) Saving from Conferences
– Organizing committee take care the internal travel (within India) for two speakers of Orations/lectures.
– The award amount of Dr CD Joseph/ Dr Frank Neel fellowships enhanced to Rs. 10,000/ and Smt. Parwati Devi & Dr JM Pinto best paper cash prize raised to Rs. 5,000/- & Rs. 2,500/- respectivel.
– Annual membership for AROI to be discontinued and only ‘Active membership’ to be offered as “Life Membership”
(b) Roll Call
– The word Roll Call to be replaced by ‘signature for attendance’
(c) Quorum
– For ‘Annual GBM’ for 25 members other than Central office bearer
– For ‘Extra ordinary GBM’ = 25 members other than Central office
– Bearers For ‘Requisition GBM’ = 50 Members
(d) Conference
– Conference to be given to Chapter/ Institution and not to any individual.
– A chapter willing to host a conference to apply before 31st October
– Registration fee to be decided by the local organizing committee and get it approved in preceding year GBM.
(b) Roll Call
– The word Roll Call to be replaced by ‘signature for attendance’
(c) Quorum
– For ‘Annual GBM’ for 25 members other than Central office bearer
– For ‘Extra ordinary GBM’ = 25 members other than Central office
– Bearers For ‘Requisition GBM’ = 50 Members
(d) Conference
– Conference to be given to Chapter/ Institution and not to any individual.
– A chapter willing to host a conference to apply before 31st October
– Registration fee to be decided by the local organizing committee and get it approved in preceding year GBM.
Everybody showed concern regarding declining standards of scientific programme in Annual Conference. It was suggested that to improve the scientific tempo of the meeting, it would be better to have the scientific committee of AROI. This kind of practice is adopted by many associations like ASCO, ESTRO, AMPI, IASO, etc.
Proposed members to be:
Due to increased demand of initiating new orations at the AROI conference, it was proposed to review the of oration in regard to replacement with newly proposed or continuation of oration beyond 10 years.
Dr. Vyas and Dr. Ganguly said this will require a constitutional amendment and need to proposed in a due manner.
All correspondence with ASTRO/ESTRO/ or any other organization should be done by the “Secretary General AROI” only after consultation with the President, AROI. Secretary General should remain the nodal person for communication and no other member should directly communicate in this regard. No trade or pharmaceutical presentations should be organized during the AROI conference hours.
1) STATE CHAPTER ELECTION : Election of all state chapters should be done before 30th June 2011
2) RANGI PRASAD LECTURE : To be chaired be chairman and Secretary of ICRO.
(a) Introducing the fellow of Indian college of radiation oncology (FICRO).
(b) To revise the fellowship fees to Rs 5000/-.
(c) Number of FICRO to be awarded per year is 5.
(d) Governing council of ICRO members selected are : Prof S.C.Sharma, Prof G.Kilara.
(e) Treasure of AROI is one of member of the governing council of ICRO.
(f) Fellowship to be awarded in the annual function of AROICON.
(g) It was unanimously decided to collect Rs 500/- for ICRO registration fees instead of Rs 1000/-. Proposed by Dr. A.K.Anand and seconded by Dr. J.K.Singh.
A template to be finialized and all organizers have to follow the template. The scientific committee shall consists of following members, a. three members from local organizing committee, b. chairman and secretary of ICRO, c. president and Secretary general of AROI, d. editor in chief AROI Journal (JCRT), e. three members of ICRO (by consensus of ICRO & AROI) f. any members as desire by host “organizing Chairman/Secretary.
The oration which was started earlier to be replaced by a new one at the end of 15 Yrs in case a request for a new oration is pending Proposed by Dr. P. Vijayanad Reddy and seconded by Dr. A.K.Anand. At the end of the conference, all the audited accounts should be sent to the secretary-general before the next annual meeting. If the organizing secretary fails to do this he/she should be suspended from the primary membership of the association for a period of 5 years.
The local organizing committee should pay to the AROI 50% of the profits or 50% of the savings from the conference funds, or Rs 10,00,000 whichever is more. It was proposed for 50% of the savings or 5 lakhs of rupees. Proposed by Dr. Mithlish Kumar and seconded by Dr. J.K.Singh.
Chapter Elections frequency every 2 years. If not done or deviated, the president, secretary of the state chapter will be suspended from the AROI. It was proposed for suspension for 2 yrs by Dr. P.Vijayanand Reddy and seconded by Dr. Mithlesh Kumar.
Soloman Padam Singh Oration has been replaced by Dr. K.A. Dinshaw Oration proposed by Maharashtra Chapter along with TMH Mumbai, lead by Dr. S.K. Srivastava, Prof. and Head Radiotherapy T.M.H Mumbai. The Maharashtra chapter and TMH Mumbai have given the contribution for the same to AROI.
The Inaugration of the annual conference to be done in the evening of the Day 1 of the conference, after ICRO program – which was carried out in Kolkata. It was proposed not to hold parallel sessions with proffered papers which was also observed in Kolkata. For the 1st time five live members of ICRO were selected by the governing council of ICRO for the prestigious award of Fellow of ICRO. Dr. Subir Ganguly, Dr. Ravichandran, Dr. P G Jayaprakash, Dr. Sushmita Ghoshal, Dr. Manoj Sharma were awarded as FICRO in this year.
New Fellowships has been started for post PG students of <35 yrs age for training in advanced centers with a grant amount of
Rs.50,000 per person for two Persons
Rs.20,000 per person for one person
It was proposed to start a new AROI- International fellowship for the members of age 35-40 yrs, having value of for Rs. 1 lakh. It will be funded by AROI, if association cannot find a sponsor.
Collaboration between AROI & FEDERATION OF ASIAN RADIATION ONCOLOGISTS. Report was presented by Dr. Ramesh S. Bilimagga. II was decided that two representatives from AROI, President & secretary of any two of their nominated members will attend as official representatives of AROI for meetings and they will be sponsored by AROI. Dr K.T Bhowmik suggested that for International collaboration as well as foreign exchange we need to get the clearance from ministry of foreign affairs as well as home Department.
Past GBM had decided to substitute old and long running Orations and medals with new ones. This year proposal to replace J M Pinto gold medal with Dr M.C. pant gold medal. Finally it was decided that family will be informed and if agreed medal will be for 10 years.
The Pt Annual Body General Body Meeting of AROI 2016 was held in Central Hall of Mayfair Convention Centre, Bhubaneswar on 26th November 2016 at 6:30 PM under the Chairmanship of Dr. U.P Shahi, President AROI and Dr. Rajesh Vashistha, Secretary AROI.
Members of Executive Committee to be given preference in National Conference, according to their merit for: Invited Talks, Chairperson of Sessions, Panelist.
Change of Name —
Oration: It was mooted by senior members to change the name of the Dr. P.K. Haldar Oration to Dr. B.D. Gupta Oration.
Change of Nomenclature —
It was decided to pursue the nomenclature change from Radiotherapy to Radiation Oncology only, and no other nomenclature change would be pursued.
Dr. Rakesh Kapoor proposed that AROI to become a member of the Non-Communicable Diseases Federation, the fees for which will be Rs. 10,000/-, lifetime institutional membership.
The subscription would remain Rs. 15,000/- for now per annum. All the state chapters are requested to remit the subscription fee immediately.
The GBM decided to amend the bylaws regarding removing the facilities provided to past orators and also to clearly mention the facilities to be provided to the invited faculty. It was decided to put up the changes on the website for members tc review and comment & based on this the next GBM will ratify the changes, check the website. Regards to who constitutes faculty i.e., whether chairpersons, panellists and speakers are all considered as faculty? The house suggested that only the speakers to be considered as faculty and only local transport and accommodation would be provided by the organizers to them.
Creation of some working committee groups to have more dedicated members working for the AROI and focus on specific issues and help the central body.
Re-designated the immediate past President AROI as chair AROI. The chair AROI would be the same as the immediate past President as per the Constitution & By Laws. It is just the change of the name. The chair AROI would perceive the initiatives initiated during his tenure with the assistance of the executive body and would assist President, Secretary AROI in the AROI activities.
GB has unanimously agreed to re-organize the existing committees to help the central committee in functioning more effectively.
All the above councils will be nominated by the President & Secretary of AROI.
To increase the fund to be given to AROI central by organizers of AROICON after the conference from 10Lakhs to 20 Lakhs. This was accepted by GBM and would come into effect from AROICON 2020 Conference.
Unanimously accepted by GB.
To provide financial assistance to members who are presenting papers in major International Conferences (ASTRO, ESTRO, FARO & ABS). It was decided to support 5 members a year in this regard after selection by the scientific committee. The assistance will be Rs. 20,000/- per member, in total Rs. 1 Lakh a year.
Only the speakers are to be considered as faculty and local transport and accommodation would be provided by the organizers to them and for further facilities to be decided by organising committee of AROI.
Creation of some working committee groups to have more dedicated members working for the AROI and focus on specific issues and help the central body.
To re-organise the existing committees to help the central committee in functioning more effectively.
All the above councils will be nominated by President & Secretary of AROI.
Re-designated the immediate Past President AROI as Chair AROI. The Chair AROI would perceive the initiatives initiated during his tenure and assist the President, Secretary AROI in their activities.
Funds from National Conference
To increase the fund to be given to AROI central, after all AROICON's to 20 Lakhs from the current 12 Lakhs and would come into effect from AROICON 2020 Conference.
To provide financial assistance to members who are presenting papers in major international conferences (ASTRO, ESTRO, FARO, ABS).
It was decided to support 5 members a year in this regard after selection by the scientific committee and the assistance will be Rs. 20,000/- per member, in total Rs. 1 Lakh per years.
Increase of Fellowship and Best Paper Award amounts — Fellowship —