I am a radiation oncologist and work in a tertiary level hospital. It caters to a population of nearly ten million involving surrounding three states. Along with serving the cancer patients I take pleasure on dissipating my gained and cultivated knowledge among my oncology fraternity. With improved and refreshed knowledge of day-to-day practice it is hoped that quality of cancer care will improve significantly with the wide acceptance of my cartoon based academic panacea among fellow oncologists. It involves the onco physician of entire south Asia region. My subjects are my own oncology fraternity and the process of spreading oncology cartoons started long back dated 15th March 2016. The evaluation started soon after its beginning. Almost every day feedback is received with encouraging words, constructive criticism, and refreshed knowledge. The relevance of the process is self replicative when medical journals, text so costly it comes to them free of cost with doctors placed in different region often not so well communicated, it proofs to be a boon to them so far knowledge is concerned. It proved to be highly relevant in the context of dissipation of medical oncology knowledge in humorous way, and up to date, daily, without fail, at everyday break like a cup of tea and refreshing.

Dr Kanhu Onco Education
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Medical knowledge especially oncology chapter is ever expanding as it has no end to its development. To remain abreast with a latest knowledge requires tremendous will power, accessibility to up to date library having all updated journals and chronicles. south Asia is a bunch of developing nations, engulfs most of its resources in fighting poverty, illiteracy, and ill health. in such a scenario medical education remains a forgotten subject. In such a context compiling knowledge, latest development in the field of radiation oncology and distributing them through social media like Facebook and whatsApp proved to be a boon for everybody. Those who are in well position they refresh theory knowledge and those who are in less advantageous posts gain knowledge, put queries, get it clarified and implement the same in day-to-day practices. It improves their knowledge, hence skill and ultimately patient care. I belong to this region and pass through all the phases of life here and know the difficulties.itb doesn’t require any extra effort to measure the difficulties here. Hence it is spontaneous, and I often feel proud that God has chosen me for this novel job of knowledge dissipation.
My cartoon based educative pills are a continuous flow of knowledge as if a river flowing downstream with its own beauty and charm. It is non ending for the last few years. Be it a rainy day, sunny day, day of tempest or earthquake, be it disturbed mind with personal problems, job related problems, my educative small articles cartoon-based humor with knowledge is seen in the morning along with a cup of tea in different social media.
The results are spontaneous. Messages pour in with appreciation and constructive criticisms appreciate the way they accept it. My oncology fraternities are my target population, and I don’t like to break the sentiment even with a single break.
Challenges are innumerable besides doing my daily patient care, maintaining family often very scanty left for the purpose. To collect journals, to subprime them often not easy. however, I manage it despite all odds and make it a success in the morning. Saving lives by sharing our clinical experiences and at the same time keeping abreast with up-to-date knowledge are the two important aspects of doctor’s life. Having these in mind, this innovative platform has been created where small bits of clinical knowledge will be illustrated through picturesque cartoons, so that it will be catchy and will attract attention and at the same time it will be dissipated through the Facebook and WhatsApp the social media of everyday life. Information is obtained from various oncology journals of repute, and it is summarized in two or three small messages in the form of cartoons creating a sense of humor and at the same time refreshing the knowledge including all oncology specialties. It is hoped that the endeavor will be appreciated by the learned oncologists. It is also available on Google play store as my oncology cartoons and can be downloaded chapter wise. There should not be any hurdle to learn, so we kept it free. these cartoon-like texts are spread throughout the country on daily basis through social media. On every 15th of each month, we make cartoons for public awareness on preventive aspects of cancer and share it through social media.
The endeavor has been appreciated by medical fraternity all over India and Indian subcontinents those who treat cancer patients. message spread through social media like FACEBOOK and WHATS-APP every day. it is free for all. it covers all cancer journals updates.
It is very challenging to have sufficient time to prepare it and getting access to journals which are not free and to concise the matter so that everybody can go through it in short span of time. Saving lives by sharing our clinical experiences and at the same time keeping abreast with up-to-date knowledge are the two important aspects of doctor’s life. So, we share our clinical experiences and knowledge with our specialty colleagues. It saves their time also to gain knowledge and they can devote more time to patient care. it also helps the specialty doctors in less accessible areas to abreast themselves with latest knowledge of oncology and same is being applied to patients. Till date I have published 75 editions.
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Dr. Kanhu Charan Patro