Dr D.N. Sharma
Editor in Chief, JCRT
Professor and Head
Department of Radiation Oncology
AIIMS, New Delhi 110029 India
E-mail: eicjcrt@gmail.com
JCRT Website : www.cancerjournal.net
Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics, popularly known as JCRT, is the official journal of Association of Radiation Oncologists of India. It is an open access journal published quarterly in print as well as online. This journal provides a platform for the publication of highquality articles written by clinicians and scientists involved in oncological research. It invites articles pertaining to radiation oncology (including brachytherapy) and the other related fields like radiation biology, radiation physics, radiation dosimetry, oncological imaging, combined modality sciences and emerging technologies. The journal publishes original research articles, editorials, reviews, case reports and letters to the editor. The future issues will also publish consensus treatment guidelines, and debates/controversies on contemporary issues.
This journal adheres to international publishing standards and follows publishing ethics stringently. It is indexed with: PubMed, DOAJ, EMBASE/ Excerpta Medica, Indian Science Abstracts, IndMed, MEDLINE/Index Medicus, Scimago Journal Ranking, SCOPUS, Science Citation Index Expanded, Web of Science. The impact factor of journal is 1.331 which is recently updated in year 2023.
The views expressed in The JCRT are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of the AROI or the Editor/Publisher. The information contained in the Journal is not medical advice and is not intended to replace the judgment of a practitioner with respect to particular patients, procedures, or practice
All manuscripts must be submitted on-line through the journal website. First time users will have to register at this site. Registration is free but mandatory. Registered authors can keep track of their articles after logging into the site using their user name and password. If you experience any problems, please contact the editorial office by e-mail.
Our new editorial team has a balanced representation from all fields of the radiation oncology. It is fully committed and dedicated for the success of the journal. I, with my team, plan to ring some of the following changes to make the journal highly impactful
- Despite the best efforts of previous editorial team, there is significant backlog of articles. It will be my top priority to clear this backlog.
- I will try to curtail the publication cycle (submission .... print) to a minimum. This will automatically prevent the backlogging.
- Although the impactor factor of JCRT is steadily improving, but it is still way behind the contemporary leading international journals in our field. Though it largely depends on the contributors, our team will try its best to improve the impact factor. I request our Association members and the various readers to contribute quality articles to further improve the Impact Factor.
- I plan to bring out 6 issues per year (every 2 months) in order to minimise the publication cycle. This will be obviously a challenge due to financial reasons, but it will be possible with the support of Association
I am really excited to embark on this new role and express my gratitude to the AROI for giving me this opportunity. I also thank our production editorial team “Wolters Kluwer” for their constant support. Once again I request all the readers to submit high quality articles.